
God Of War Difficulty Trophy

Difficulty Trophy

I started the game and said to myself: "well I want to Platinum this game". Started equally GOD merely of course at that place is no difficulty trophy. Matter is im halfway through the fkng game...Im and so fking mad right now. They should add it.

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level 1

Don't sympathise why you want to go for a difficulty trophy and not even glimpse at the trophies. Trophies should exist obtainable with the proper skill and attempt. Something every bit the hardest difficulty isn't always possible for everyone. Depending on the game, aye information technology's understandable, merely for a popular game with a huge audience, you know what makes them happy? Amusement with a sense of accomplishment without having to struggle.

level 1

Difficulty trophies are the near annoying trophies in beingness

level 2

Its a close race between difficulty and over saturation of collectibles

level two

Yeah, simply give me trophies for participating, not for actually beingness skilful at the game. I Hate that! I only want to be rewarded for busy work. I want my wheat mixed with chaff, my milk mixed with cream. It's really kinda necessary for my fragile sense of cocky esteem that skill not thing at all for succcess.

I'm non fifty-fifty playing on hardest difficulty but give me a break. There should exist some reward for mastery of the game.

level 1

Well a lot of u.s. are glad they specifically didn't take trophies tied to difficulty. Deplorable your feel has been so spoiled, yous may too refund it, then write to your local MP near this breach of the International Human being Rights Treaty.

level one

A simple google search would have told you no difficulty trophy... not to mention that all other difficulties permit you to switch betwixt them except God mode. I have plenty difficulties on Normal, no way would I exercise this game on God fashion... I am just not proficient enough.

level 2

A filthy casual doesn't know how to await at trophies before they play. So that would be you.

God Of War Difficulty Trophy,


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